Mask Optional Environment Harmful for Your Child?
During the mask mandates in schools, students who were medically advised to not wear a mask were provided an exemption or accommodation process. This would have been the case in all school districts. And it should have been! We know that there are children who need accommodations in many scenarios.
The same is true now, though, as masks become optional.
If your child has a medical condition or disability that renders as mask-optional environment harmful or medically inadvisable, there should be a process provided for your child to receive appropriate accommodations.
We are trying to help in our group on Facebook by bringing together these families to spread awareness and work towards a solution. We know there are many, many impacted by the changes to come. The same respect given to those needing exemptions to wearing masks needs to be given to those who need a safe masked environment (beyond just the student wearing a mask themselves).
Please reach out if you impacted by this. Join our Facebook group and indicate you would like to be included in the conversation. Or send us an email.
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