Parent CO2 Data Graphs from Wake County Schools

Graphs and data below are based on the parent-led carbon dioxide measurements in Wake County. Press release here. **Additional graphs are being added as we make the school names public.** Find raw data for schools on our GitHub repository . Please remember: We do not claim to be HVAC professionals or experts. However, recent Wake County Public School data from a portable classroom at Scott's Ridge Elementary is in line with the data we are seeing in our portable classroom monitoring. Follow us on Twitter . Join us on Facebook . Email us to connect. Schools with data coming soon: WCPSS - Poe Elementary WCPSS - Scotts Ridge Elementary WCPSS - Douglas Elementary Wake County Public Schools - District 9 Elementary School 01 - Salem Elementary Student 1 - Portable Building Elementary School 02 - Weatherstone Elementary Student 1 - Portable Building Elementary School 03 - Kingswood Elementary Student 1 - Main Building Elementary School 04 - Briarcliff Elementary S...